Direct Grant Round

For direct grants, to efficiently handle the anticipated surge in applications, we've implemented a streamlined process that initially screens applications using the requirements outlined here.

Following this, we will manually review all projects to identify those warranting further due diligence in a structured process:

<aside> 1️⃣ Initial Screening All projects fill out general application form "Gitcoin Application Questions" as first filter and we assess them along the respective rubric. This step serves as our first layer of manual screening.


<aside> 2️⃣ In-Depth Review & Feedback: Selected projects that passed the filter, will go through the "Individual Application Flow" and are evaluated via their respective rubrics. This process is conducted on a rolling basis, ensuring ongoing evaluation and an even distribution of workload throughout the entire term.


<aside> 3️⃣ Award & Monitoring: Once approved, projects receive funding and kick off their work, with periodic check-ins and a concluding evaluation to measure impact and success.
